What Are You Doing in Antarctica?

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Text of "What Are You Doing in Antarctica?" Meme

""OMG you didn't tell me you were in Antarctica! What are you doing there, researching penguins?""

Meaning of "What Are You Doing in Antarctica?" Meme

This meme refers to the numerous long-time rumors of secret and mysterious things that supposedly happened (or are on-going) in Antarctica. Some of the things that have been speculated upon and written about include: Nazi bases in Antarctica, German flying saucers, UFO sightings, alien spaceships buried under the ice, and lost civilizations literally frozen in time. None of these things have been proven or revealed to the general public, if they are true. But they make entertaining stories and that is what this meme is talking about. The character in the meme is inside a German UFO, probably from the secret space program the Nazis had in WWII and preserved all these decades later in Antactica.