"How to Get Multiple Girls (Hint: Hide her meds)" is Tagged with...
dating, Girls, glasses, instagram, Makeup, meds, Prozac, Valium, ZoloftText of "How to Get Multiple Girls (Hint: Hide her meds)" Meme
"Date a girl who wear glasses. It's like dating 2 girls when she takes them off. Wash off her Makeup and then you date 3 girls. Remove her #instagram filter and you get to date 4 girls. Take her meds away and you could have up to 10."
Meaning of "How to Get Multiple Girls (Hint: Hide her meds)" Meme
The joke in this meme is that the more fake "layers" you remove from a girl, the more she changes. Every layer is like a different person. The punchline is that if your girlfriend gets off her medications, she will exhibit up to 10 different personalities (each one so different than the others, that it will be like 10 different girls).
The "meds" referenced in this meme are things that would alter the mind or personality, and such drugs are commonly used among modern Western women. (Anything from Valium to Zoloft to Prozac to mood stabilizers such as lithium.)