"CIA in Holly Wood Versus Real Life" is Tagged with...
america, breaking bad, cia, Dean Norris, Hank Schrader, hollywood, lsd, mind-control, MK-ULTRA, retardedText of "CIA in Holly Wood Versus Real Life" Meme
"CIA in Hollywood: "We must keep America safe!", CIA in real life: "Let's see how much LSD it takes to make him retarded""
Meaning of "CIA in Holly Wood Versus Real Life" Meme
This meme shows Dean Norris (who played Hank Schrader in Breaking Bad) making two faces. Each face is intended to be a version of what the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is like - the "Hollywood" version and the "real life" version. The reference to giving people LSD has to do with experiments done in the past in which US intelligence experimented on people using mind-altering drugs. One program in which mind-control and drugs were experimented with was called MK-ULTRA.